703-967-6382 [email protected]

Home Soft Wash


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residential home wash

Residential Soft Wash

If you live in Winston-Salem and you need the outside of your home power washed – what you actually need is a “Soft Wash.” Our soft wash method cleans and protects your siding. 

power washing

Siding Cleaning

We are able to accommodate any of your exterior washing needs when it comes to your walls. Brick, cement-fiber siding, vinyl siding- stucco & more – we can do it all!

Our Home Soft Washing Process

power washing near me

Home Soft Washing

When it comes to your home’s siding, you need a soft washing professional. Hiring the wrong person for the job might seem inconsequential, but your home’s siding requires care when cleaning. Renting a power washer or hiring just any person with one is never a good idea. We take time to educate homeowners on our home soft wash process before we ever get to work! 

power washing psi

Proper PSI & Surfactants

Power washing uses highly pressurized water to power your cleaning. However, soft washing takes advantage of “Soft Washing” techniques which include utilizing proper soap and surfactant combinations. Working in conjunction with one another, Winston-Salem Power Washing applies the proper amount of surfactants and gently rinses your home once the dwell time is up!

roof soft wash care

Soft Washing Care

If you are a homeowner in Winston-Salem we can help. Soft washing a home is all about care. The process of removing dirt, mildew, mold, algae, and other debris from your siding is vital for increasing the durability of your home’s siding. Increasing the lifespan of your home’s exterior is vital for resale values but also, for adding some much needed curb appeal!

Our Recent Work

Why Chose Us

Enough cannot be said about choosing a local small business owner to help you with your Power Washing, Roof Washing, or other Pressure Washing needs in Winston-Salem, NC. However, we understand not all business owners are created equally. Mark Mitchell has worked in the home improvement space for over 40 years and brings a wealth of knowledge along with professionalism and diligence to help homeowners with any and all power washing needs!

Mark winston-salem power washing

Mark and Winston-Salem Power Washing did an amazing job washing our home, driveway and roof. You can tell Mark has been a small business owner for years based on his communication and professionalism.

Luke & Jennifer

We couldn't be happier with the results of our recent home soft wash and power washing project. Mark and the Winston-Salem Power Washing team did an amazing job!


How much does soft washing cost?

The price to soft wash a home is all dependent on size. Similar to how you estimate the costs of an exterior project, the amount of siding surface that needs to be cleaned is considered when completing a soft home wash. Most of the time, power washing companies will calculate this by the square footage ranging from $.25 to $.75 per square foot or a flat rate. You can expect to pay $350 to $850 on average for a single-family home to be soft-washed!

How often should I have my home soft-washed?

The average home will need a soft-wash for the siding every 3-5 years. However, depending on which direction your house faces and where the sun does/doesn’t hit – you might need a soft-wash more frequently. For example, a home that has a side that isn’t exposed to the sun and experiences humidity can have algea growth on the side within a matter of months. 

How do you care for my landscaping?

A big concern for most homeowners is whether or not soaps and surfactants get on your landscaping when cleaning your siding. With our home soft-wash process – we take extra care to make sure your entire home is staged properly before we clean. This means caring for landscaping, covering cameras, and being mindful of landscapes throughout the cleaning process. 

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